Sunday, November 7, 2010

Introduction to the Monkey

OK, so there's this monkey... and he lives in Phoenix, Arizona. Not a real monkey, but a metaphorical one. (So, y'know, not to worry... there will be no flinging of feces in this story.) His name (again, it's a metaphor) is Hanuman. And he is me! :) Which means, I guess, that he can quite writing in the third person.

In July my car was totaled in an accident. Nobody was hurt, thank the FSM. Insurance paid off my car loan, with a little bit extra left over-- but not enough to buy another car... not without taking out another loan, which I don't really want to do right now. So I did something I've wanted to do for years: I bought a motor scooter. Then, two months later, I bought another one.

Cheaply, I might add; I paid an average of $1,000 for each. So these are now my primary mode of transportation, and I'm glad. They're fun to ride! (As it happens, most of the places I need to go, I can get to using public transportation... and I sometimes do. So I don't need the scooters.) And they both get an average of about 60 miles per gallon. To recap: no auto loan. 60 MPG. Muy cool!

The blue one I got in July; it's an E-ton Matrix 50. Made in Taiwan, 50cc 2-stroke engine, tops out at around 40 MPH. Great for short jaunts around the city. Around 1,000 miles on it so far, with absolutely no problems.

In mid-September I got the red one, a Longbo Adventure. Made in China, with a 150cc 4-stroke engine, which tops out at 60 MPH. For longer trips, this is the way to go. I've read a lot-- both positive and negative-- about Chinese-made scooters. We'll see if the haters have a point... but for now, at just over 400 miles with no problems at all, I'm happy with it. (Although I'll be honest... if one or both of my current scooters craps out, I am tempted to buy a Ruckus.)

More about me: I'm a clerk for a government agency (office drone YAY! except I really like my job), live and work in midtown Phoenix, am happily divorced, working on my Bachelor's degree, and have extremely varied interests. If I keep up this blog as I should, you'll learn more about them. If you don't like me or the things I write about, there is a simple solution-- don't read it! Otherwise, welcome!

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