Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Weekend, Continued

I've already shown you what I did yesterday; today I did a little housework and went off to visit my parents. they live in one of the Phoenix suburbs, in the northwest corner of the metro area and about 25 miles from my apartment.

I should have had the folks at the scooter shop adjust the idle for me yesterday; I just noticed this morning that the Longbo (red) scooter's rear wheel turns slowly at idle, which it's not supposed to do. Fortunately, my mechanical abilities are up to this task... just barely, but still. I had to take out the under-seat storage bay to get to the idle adjustment screw, so here is a photo:

I turned the screw a quarter-turn counter-clockwise and started the engine... success! At least I am good for something. I started off towards Mom & Dad's, stopping on one of the back roads near their house to take a few more pics. Note the cool new cargo box! ;)

That's all for today; I'll probably post more mid-week.

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